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Legal Services Offered

Helping You To…



and prepare for the future



and resolve disputes



and preserve your legacy

Create a Will & Estate Plan

What will happen to your car, mountain bike, pet, motorcycle, SUP, bank account?  If you have children, who will take care of them?  With a will and some basic planning, you decide who gets what and who should take care of children or pets.

Living Will, Medical & Financial Power of Attorney

If you can’t tell doctors what treatment you want, someone you trust can speak for you.  If you need bills paid or other financial needs met, someone you trust can act for you.

Settling an Estate in Probate Court

If you don’t have a will, the court will appoint a Personal Representative to take care of your affairs.  Wouldn’t it be best for you to choose your representative?

Probate Litigation

Sometimes things don’t go smoothly and you need someone to go to court to resolve a dispute about an estate.

Legacy Wisdom Sharing

Who you are matters, what you have to say matters, and what you have done to make this world a better place is important for the people who know and love you.  Let us help you pass on the wisdom of your lifetime to your loved ones.

Legal Advice & a Little Help

Sometimes, you just need someone to talk to about a legal question or problem so that you can get a direction to move forward, whether it relates to settling an estate or some other issue with a legal twist.

So How Can I Help You Today?